In the body shop it can add value when all the operational staff carry out their work in a professional manner and at the same level of quality. To achieve this structure requires a good education in every phase of operation,especially in the paint shop. This service training is aimed at enhancing the work of each element,
from beginner to professional. During the first phase of the training is analyzed the work of the body and then choose which elements form.

The formations are related to specific systems:
- Application of body filler / putty  of any kind,
- Application spray filler / undercot-or wet on wet of any kind,
- sanding,
- masking of the cars,
- application of water-based every  brands,
- Clearcoat application of any brand,
- polishing,
- Preparation of classic cars,
- treatment on surfaces like glass fiber / carbon, etc.,
- training on the proper use of each type of  tecnologic equipments.
The number of meetings will be quantified according to the needs of the customer.



Painting Manual

